Voices: artists on art | 2017-1967 is an artists’ project with publication conceived and curated by Yvonne Lammerich and Ian Carr-Harris.
In 1967, the National Gallery of Canada hosted 51 artists in Toronto’s Nathan Phillips Square in a ground-breaking look at what contemporary art could mean for a public looking to artists to help define a national historical narrative. Fifty years later, commemorating that exhibition, Voices: artists on art presents a series of deeply insightful interviews that open a door into 51 studios of artists working across Canada in 2017.
Artist interviews with: Lois Andison, David Armstrong Six, Janet Bellotto, Alex Beriault, Therese Bolliger, Dan Borins, Jennifer Marman, Eva Brandl, Adam David Brown, Eric Cameron, Ian Carr-Harris, Amanda Christie, Panya Clark Espinal, David Clarkson, Michel Daigneault, Alexandre David, Bonnie Devine, Cliff Eyland, Gary Evans, Robert Fones, Stéphane Gilot, Raphaëlle De Groot, Paul de Guzman, Seema Goel, Mark Gomes, Lee Henderson, Kristan Horton, Robert Houle, Johanna Householder, Gunilla Josephson, Mary Kavanagh, Nestor Kruger, Kristiina Lahde, Yvonne Lammerich, Yam Lau, Lyse Lemieux, Ginette Legaré, Nina Leo, Sandra Meigs, Michael Merrill, Dax Morrison, Nick Ostoff, Luke Parnell, Paulette Phillips, Ana Rewakowicz, Milly Ristvedt, Susan Schelle, Stephen Schofield, Oli Sorenson, Nick Wade, Robert Wiens
Also participating: Michael Snow, Françoise Sullivan, Iain Baxter
Also presenting: The Mobile Ruin, by Vid Ingelevics and Blake Fitzpatrick
Marc Mayer, Director, National Gallery of Canada
Marlee Choo, Harbourfront Centre
Stephanie Fortin, Harbourfront Centre
Ryan Doherty, Director, Southern Alberta Art Gallery
Dan Adler; Kevin Badni; Victoria Baster; Andy Payne
Harbourfront Centre Gallery, Toronto, ON
28 September – 4 December 2017
Southern Alberta Art Gallery, Lethbridge, AB
17 February – 22 April 2018
Al Fanoun Gallery, Zayed University, Abu Dhabi; Library Tower Space, Dubai
February 2019
TfT Works Publication
Yvonne Lammerich, Ian Carr-Harris, TfT Works Publication