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From group exhibition: Memoirs: transcribing loss

Art Gallery of Greater Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia

15 September – 19 November 2000

From solo exhibition: en transi

Forest City Art Gallery, London, Ontario

22 May – 27 June 1998


Video projection and digital image

Collection of the Saskatchewan Arts Board

en transi combines the projected video image of moving flame with the digitally manipulated detail of a 16th century funerary monument. The still image, taken from the transi tomb of Louis XII and Anne de Bretagne, is cropped and enlarged dramatically. The profile of throat and upturned face, lips parted, conveys an erotic shadow, the release of death paralleled with the petite mort, the “small death” of sexual intimacy. Placed horizontally, the vitality of the fire juxtaposes the cool hues of the still image: the inert stone figure anchors the diptych in the heaviness of loss, while the undulating flame references the transference of the material body into ashes, and the potentiality of rebirth.” [from Lisa Baldissera, Memoirs: transcribing Loss, AGGV, 2000]


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